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What is it all about?

This project was initiated by the end of 2010 by two French scientists in Beijing, both fellows from the European Science and Technology Fellowship Programme.​ The aim is to propose to an audience with no scientific background recent discoveries in various scientific fields. And we think it is better to do so in a friendly place like a café !

Next talk (Beijing):


The next “Understanding Science” event will be held at 7. 30 p.m. on Wednesday 21st November in the Bridge Café in Wudaokou, when Dr. Arno Koning (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) will talk on “Phenomenal Vision” and will describe the way in which hundreds of millions of cells inside our brain are working together to allow us to perceive the world around us.

You want to give a talk?

Understanding Science welcomes any Chinese or European PhDs/MDs who would like to share their knowledge and opinion with the general public. The topic has to be scientific (hard science) and of interest for everyone (e.g. related to current trends, news or social life). Pease contact us if you feel like to give a talk for free...)

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